Notifications typically convey the status of the system.
A Notification also may be used to convey the resulting status of an action the user has taken. For example, if the user takes some action or undertakes a task, upon submit a Success, Warning, Error, or processing/loading may be communicated to the user via a Notification
Size | Example | Height |
Heading & Text | 142-200px | |
Heading & Icons | 106px |
Note: All items spacing are 20dp. Incab size only, see mobile for smaller options for in-field if required.
There are two types of Notifications:
- Basic toast message with heading text only.
- When more information is required add sub-text.
State | Example |
Success |
Information |
Loading |
Alert |
Error |
- Swipe right to dismiss or press the close button
- Toasts fades out automatically 3 or 6 seconds depending on the importance
- Keep titles three to five words if possible.
- For titles, use title case and capitalize prepositions of four letters or more.
- Messages should tell the user what’s happening in friendly, non-technical language.
- If the message requires a user to take action in order to continue or complete a task, use an Alarm instead.
- For messages, use full sentences with punctuation. Use sentence case.